Englisch - Definitions

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A colony: is a country which is by another .

A slave: is a person who isn´t and is owned by another . He or she must do hard without getting paid.

A civil war is within a .

A is a period of 100 years.

A decade is a period of years.

An immigrant: is a person who came from one to another country to and there.

To vote: Many voted for .

Cheerleaders are a group of in special uniforms who their at games by and dancing.

A drive is a special action to money and give it to people.

Annual production: It´s a at an American high schools. Every year students a in this period.

Schedule is the same as a table. IT tells you which you have every day.

A senior is a who´s in his 4th and year at an American high .

To practise: to do something and and in the end you can do it .